lunes, 1 de enero de 2024




Do not fear [anything], for I am with you;

Do not be afraid, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you, be assured I will help you;
I will certainly take hold of you with My righteous right hand [a hand of justice, of power, of victory, of salvation]

Estas hermosas palabras de la Biblia siempre me han animado y fortalecido. Aprendí que ser cristiano es más que seguir una religión, es tener una relación personal con Jesús. Con un Dios vivo y resucitado que nos ama y nos guía en esta vida. 

Dios ama a los verdaderos cristianos y les concede todos los deseos de sus corazones. Durante 30 años, Dios, nuestro amado padre, nos ha preparado para llevar a cabo un ministerio eficaz que traiga bendición a su pueblo y a los que sufren. A los enfermos, a los oprimidos por el diablo. Creemos que los cristianos fueron llamados a continuar el ministerio de Jesús. Ser instrumentos de Dios para bendecir  las vidas.
Según San Marcos 16.

14 Finalmente se apareció a los once mismos, estando ellos sentados a la mesa, y les reprochó su incredulidad y dureza de corazón, porque no habían creído a los que le habían visto resucitado. 15 Y les dijo: Id por todo el mundo y predicad el evangelio a toda criatura. 16 El que creyere y fuere bautizado, será salvo; mas el que no creyere, será condenado. 17 Y estas señales seguirán a los que creen: En mi nombre echarán fuera demonios; hablarán nuevas lenguas; 18 tomarán en las manos serpientes, y si bebieren cosa mortífera, no les hará daño; sobre los enfermos pondrán sus manos, y sanarán.

Dios, por su amor y misericordia, ungió a su hijo Jesús con el Espíritu Santo y poder, para que pudiera hacer el bien y salvar a los oprimidos por el diablo. y ahora, en este tiempo, Dios también desea derramar su Espíritu Santo sobre todos sus discípulos, para que podamos salvar a los perdidos, liberar a los cautivos, sanar a los enfermos, por  el  poder de la verdad del evangelio. 
 Porque tanto amó Dios y estimó tanto al mundo, que [incluso] dio a su Hijo unigénito, para que todo aquel que cree y confía en él [como Salvador] no perezca, mas tenga vida eterna. 17 Porque Dios no envió a su Hijo al mundo para juzgar y condenar al mundo, sino para que el mundo sea salvo por él. S. Juan 3.16

Entonces cada persona que escucha la historia de Cristo y decide convertirse en cristiano, esa persona recibe el perdón de sus pecados y la vida eterna.

 Esto es grande y maravilloso, la bondad y misericordia de Dios es mayor que los cielos. El Dios de la Biblia es el padre más bueno y generoso del universo, tiene mucha compasión y quiere salvar a todos los hombres.

 Dios, nuestro padre celestial, ha preparado un lugar para cada uno de nosotros en el cielo, pero para llegar al cielo debemos arrepentirnos de nuestros pecados y poner nuestra fe en Jesucristo. Necesitamos decidir convertirnos en cristianos.

Quiero contarte mi historia.  Después de que nos convertimos y entregamos nuestras vidas a Jesús, Dios comenzó un entrenamiento en nuestras vidas.

For seven years. God, our heavenly father, taught us to pray with faith.  Then, for another 7 years, God taught us about deliverance and spiritual warfare. Then, for 7 more years. God taught us to worship to bring his Presence. to bless his people, his beloved church. God told us... Go teach my people to pray with faith. Some time later he told us. ^^pray that my glory fills this earth as the waters cover the sea. ^^
God, for his goodness, guided us to found the Network of Intercessors of America. To intercede for the nations and to support missionaries and servants of God. to pray  for a great revival for America and Israel.

We understood that God wants to pour out the rain of the Holy Spirit  in America and on the Nations, and we understood that this will bring revival and great miracles.
This will mean that millions can be saved before Christ comes for his church. The Lord also told us that the last glory of his house will be greater than the first, and that God will give peace and blessing over his house.

God showed us that we are living the fulfillment of the book of Joel in chapter 2.

On a day of fasting and prayer, we were leading praise. When I saw that suddenly the sky opened and suddenly I saw like two ceilings, one was the normal ceiling and the other was a glass ceiling, which opened. And a river like glass fell from the sky. The impact was very strong, the glory of God came and many brothers fell to their knees crying and others screamed and cried. We were all blessed and the atmosphere of God's presence was breathed. We feel the Shekina glory of God. Suddenly I saw that Jesus was standing very close to me. he was looking at the intercessors. Walking on my knees I approached him, to intercede for my brothers. I didn't dare raise my eyes to see him. I trembled from the power of his presence. I just opened my Bible and showed him the requests that the brothers in the church had given me. That experience changed my life.

And changed the history of our church in Bolivia. By the power of Holy Ghost.

After this powerful experience with God, thousands of Miracles began to occur in our church, the presence of God was very strong, people were filled with the Holy Spirit, the sick were healed and we saw the glory of God. The church grew very quickly. really the fire of God and miracles attract people.

God called us to continue with the Ministry of Christ, to have an effective ministry that brings response to those who suffer, God wants us to be ambassadors of Christ and go and heal the sick, cast out demons, destroy the works of the devil, so that we may preach the truth of the Gospel, so that people may be free and may be saved and have eternal life. 

God wants us to shine in this time and be light in the midst of the darkness of this world. like he said in Isaiah 60.

60 “Arise, shine, for your light has come,
    and the glory of the Lord rises upon you.
2 See, darkness covers the earth
    and thick darkness is over the peoples,
but the Lord rises upon you
    and his glory appears over you.
3 Nations will come to your light,
    and kings to the brightness of your dawn.


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